Thursday, November 6, 2008


Why do my children have to fight like cats and dogs, especially when I'm sick???? I asked nicely, please just go do something that doesn't require yelling, screaming, slamming or jumping. I say, go do your homework now so it's done. What do I get, attitude?!!! Which in returns makes me yell, causing my throat to strain which in return sends me into a coughing fit which just makes me more mad!!! Why, why can't they just give me a break!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! Gotta love 'um...or do we???


Reeky said...

One day I am going to come home and the house is going to be very quiet. scary quiet. and the doggie is going to have a scared shitless look on her little face.

and I am NOT even going to ask.

Wendy said...

Love your hubs comment LOL!!! I feel your pain. My kids are at each others throats all the time it gets so bad sometimes that I want to change my name to something other then MOM.....